Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Part 14

Part 14

Once we completed the first part of our training Abuelo wanted us to spend time with one another. Telling us that although our lives has been short thus far we need to share everything with each other because we need to learn one another as if we were husband and wife. We need to know what makes the other tick, shut down, the fears, anything from our past that may arise during our journey because if they ever come to get him for deportation, we will be all that we have, one another. He told Leo who has now been named King to go first then I, Queen to follow. We misty not be afraid to share our inner most thoughts, for this will make us unstoppable.

After hours and hours of talking, crying, laugh, and consoling one another back and forth, we curled up in the same bed. King holding me tight, whispering how sorry he is for hitting me the other day, and vowed not to do it again. His voice was deep but soothing, I trusted him, I didn't have a choice; he was now my King, and I, his Queen.

King woke up early the next morning and made us both a healthy breakfast. After we ate he told me it was time to stretch because if I'm going to be 100% happy, it's best if we do things together that makes us both happy. He never said he likes to run but by the look of his body, he works out a lot.

"My Queen, I looked into a few ways we could stretch together. You wanna try them?"

"Yes please."

It took some time for us to get our stretching completed, but once we were done, we hit the streets,  and started our cardio workout. It felt good to run again. Although I was winded by the time we finished, my chest was burning, and I felt like I was going to pass out; we jogged three miles with no breaks. We got back to the apartment just as Abuelo was walking out on the stoop.

"I need you both showered and ready to go in an hour."

Rushing into the apartment, King admittedly starts to get undressed. Before he took off his underwear he turns back to look at me,

"I apologize my Queen, you shower first."

"A Queen always follows her King, after you my King."

I know we're young but it doesn't stop me from being sexually attracted to him. At the age of 14 his body is built like a grown man. He's about five-seven, light complexion, nicely defined muscle structure, and even though I didn't see his private part, he has a huge bulge that hangs like a sack of potatoes.

Both showered and ready within forty-five minutes, we meet Abuelo in the front foyer to set off on the second part of our journey. Beast pulls up in a all black SUV, Abuelo gets in the front, and we joined one another in the back seat.

"We have a long ride ahead of us so get comfortable." Abuelo mentioned, brevet looking back at us.

"If I may Abuelo, where are we heading?" King asked.

"Queens, you two are going to learn to protect yourselves."

King and I sat it silence, while Beast and Abuelo speak in Spanish so we won't understand. Fine by me, I rather not know so I don't get overly excited about what's going to happen next.

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