Friday, December 11, 2015

Part 1

Part 1

We're in here turnt up, throwing drinks back, getting well deserved lap dances, and throwing around $20 bills like they're ones. Let me take you back just a little,  so you can understand what's going on here. We lost everything that meant something to us, our families. It wasn't because of us or our doings, it's because there's so many screwed up people in the World. Not saying we're saints because we're not, hell we've done our dirt too. So I guess this is what the universe considers payback. So for now, we party but once this party is over, someone isn't going to make it home. I promise you that!

Watching the girls do their thing, we sit back  and observe to see which one is going back to the house with us. Everything is a totally different than living in warmer climates. If you don't have four wheel drive here in Alaska, you're basically assed out and walking normally isn't an option kinda like tonight. It's below freezing and the snow on the ground is horrendous to say the least.

We have two females in sight, not strippers but two of the patrons. She's drop dead gorgeous, maybe 25, caramel complexion, hazel eyes, and her body is built like an athlete. I take her and her friend over a few drinks. I pushed up on the one that suited me best and started to conversate. We talked, laughed, and made them feel comfortable with us. Jackie, the one I'm talking too started rubbing on my thigh, giving me that look telling me I have her wide open. I checked out Matt and Jackie's friend Rebecca seemed into Matt so, we were good to go. At the end of our time spent we invited them back to our place, which they proudly accepted our offer.

The strip club has no cameras inside or out, so we're in the clear. We paid for everything with cash and because there's so many people in here, not one person could pick us out of a line up with as little as five people. We kept everything we did low key, well besides the fact we were throwing around twenties like pimps. Matt and I walked out to the SUV and waited on the girls so they can follow us home. Sitting in an all black SUV with limousine tint, so the only way anyone can see the inside is if we let the windows down.

When Jackie and Rebecca came out they were looking around, I flashed my lights to get their attention. After about five minutes they were right behind us flashing their lights indicating they were ready. It's about a thirty minute ride from the club to our place; we figured our place would be best since we're ten miles away from our neighbors, the screams won't be heard, and we can have some real adult fun before the torture begin.

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